This is a blog of the surf and experience of living in the Maldives, surfing everyday. When not surfing were fishing, drinking and generally having the best possible time. The Maldives is a great place for a surfing holiday as the surf is consistent and epic. Stay tuned to see what the crew and guests get up too, surfing the Maldives.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Stocked up and ready to go!
After a full day of busy work, we enter harbor and stock up. Kokko let some slack out on the anchor rope for 10/10 anchor conditions.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Coba Dhingy Dani Do?
A bit of a storm last night, where did the dingy go? The boys put together a new Dingy as the search for the old is fruitless. Some more bottom fishing keeps the food nice and fresh. Jade and Nick hunt for a new bike tube on Ghadhoo and end up cruising a motor cycle around the island. The locals were looking at us like we were aliens. I dont think they see many white people cruising motorcycles on their small island.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
From Where You Would Rather Be...
We spent the afternoon drinking Coronas under palm trees, watching the surf. Not a bad life. Here is a picture of the guys enjoying a Liquid holiday.
Sharks and More
Dhonie Capi pulled in a good sized shark on a hand line the other night. The shark looks pretty big, but actually dhonie capi is just really small. Birthday Bob also pulled in a good one during the day off the front of the Nautilus.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Surf Photo slideshow Early April trip
Here's the slideshow of the early April trip we just did. Awesome group of guys and we scored some great waves to ourselves.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
New Walkie Talkies
Jade brought some new walkie talkies over for us last week and they have been pretty fun. Usually we just use our cell phones to communicate between our boats, but the walkie talkies are perfect for back up. They are also pretty good for talkin' sh@it to eachother as well.
Fish Hunters
It has been pretty good season for fishing as well. The guests took down some beautiful white snapper the other night, making lunch nice and fresh.
SW Swell
We got some sw swell yesterday but it came with a bit of wind. Luckily we were able to tuck into one of the islands and scored some protected overhead waves.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Boys Beers and Dhonies
We scored some epic surf the last few days with some solid sets coming in. Hamish's birthday was the biggest, but the swell stuck around until today. Here are a couple pictures from the left and the right where we spent a few days pretty much by ourselves.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
10 x 10 Liquid Team Challenge
We held the first Liquid Challenge the other day, a ten event series with two teams. Team Stitches was the first team to get etched into the trophy. The event includes anchor climbs, keg press, push ups, arm wrestle, bike relay, swim relay, stand up paddle relay, beer skull, foosball and the iron man team relay.
We have been getting some really fun waves these last few days, glassy and head high. Everyone has been getting good waves and we have the photos to prove it. The black and white photo is of a kid who paddled out in a kayak and got cleaned up by a set onto the reef, all smiles though.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
shark night
After a full day of surfing chest high glassy rights we anchored near a little island for the night. After dinner and a few beers later the fishing rods came out. It turns out there was a school of reef sharks below us and soon enough they were hitting our bait. Hamish ended up having to real two of them in, one which got away before we could see it. Don't get scared though they were less than 5 feet long. Steven pulled up a little reef fish, and here is a pic of another steve fixing his board. Keep in mind there is not much repair stuff on the boat, better to plan on nothing being here. Some surf pics from yesterday as well.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Glassy and Fun
We have been getting some fun waves the last few days, light winds and a little SW swell. Here are some pictures of the last few sessions.
Monday, 4 April 2011
First Stitches of the Season
We had our first stitches of the season when Chris got a board to the head. Luckily only two stitches. He took it like a champ as the doctor proceeded with no pain killing shot (cant spell antistetick)
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