Thursday, 29 August 2013


 I've been going through a few photo folders from past charters and found these. A great group of guys who loved to talk smack. We had to deal with some funky winds (hangovers) half way through this trip but still managed to find some gems along the way. 
P.S The crew are still talking about their pet Panda

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Chicken and Chips bro and Tom Curren

The boys also got some fun ones too, had some crazy weather the last few days strong off shores and stormy but still managing to sneak fun surfs in. Also had a pretty rad session with just a couple of us and the legend Tom Curren.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Fish and Chips Bro.

Got 8 of the Kiwi kind hanging at the moment. For the first blog thought i would throw this up pretty classic, bruns, sprays and bails.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Mostly but not all surf.

Come to the end of a two week trip and realised that we did a hell of a lot in the past 14 days, a day on the island talking politics, long island ice teas at a posh resort, snorkelling and caught a hell of a lot of waves.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Glassy perfect waves. It is always a pleasure to get some glassy sessions like this one.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Scrapes, Sun and Sun Rise

Nice little reef cut, some rights and heaps of waves. Been crusing a lot these past few days and not much internet but thats not a problem. Geoff and Dan father and son going back to back on a few its cool to see and Alba scraping the reef but getting some good ones for it. And as always beautiful sun sets.